Cadet Band Play-Along Videos

Cadet Band is open to any band student. Please read the following instructions:


  1. The videos below contain all instructions and play-along material for students to practice with and record their track.
  2. Downloading the video and playing from local drive is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!.
  3. You will need a laptop/large tablet, a set of headphones, and a recording device.
  4. Each instrument has a different play-along file, so it is important for students to watch the proper video.
  5. It is unlikely that you will record the best take on the first attempt. Be prepared and be patient.
  6. Do not wait until the due date to start recording. You will be disappointed.
  7. All recordings must be submitted by Friday, April 7 at 11:59pm.

Tenor Sax

Download Video

Snare Drum

Download Video

Alto Saxophone

Download Video

French Horn

Download Video